What Are You Really Saying?
We are definitely all living through unprecedented and worrying times. As the spread of Coronavirus continues to do its worst across the globe, so the world is responding in different ways.
Just yesterday, the UK Government announced that they will be giving daily briefings in an attempt to keep people better informed and help reduce anxiety levels. However, what has struck me most in these uncertain times we are all enduring is the reporting of Covid-19 by the media in this country and the lack of decisive leadership.
From the outset, reporting has been nothing short of sensationalist and the use of language emotive in the extreme – https://news.sky.com/uk. Certainly the latter used by Boris Johnson, just days ago, did absolutely nothing to reassure me about the current situation – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51857856. He may well have been advised to adopt this particular position, but it was a serious misjudgement in my view. Not only were the words he used shocking, but the messenger looked utterly insincere and out of touch with people’s feelings at this highly sensitive time. Does this sound familiar – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44440479
I have studied many Leadership styles as part of my Master’s Degree in Leadership and Management. Personally, I gravitate towards those leaders that display emotional intelligence – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7m9eNoB3NU. I do believe that Boris could do a lot worse than think very carefully about his leadership style and the messages he is giving now and in the future. I do not think it is too much of a generalisation to say that most of us would welcome (dare I say accept?) what he says more, if it is delivered with sincerity and in a transparent manner.
We will get through this tough period. However, what I need right now are two things. From the media, stop using such melodramatic language with immediate effect. From my Prime Minister, please give everyone some clarity and use language that is more definitive, open, transparent and heartfelt. As a consequence, only then will this help restore some confidence in myself and others.
In the interim, stay safe and keep calm.